Označeno: creative commons
Ustvarjalna gmajna oziroma Creative Commons omogoča, da kot družba delujemo bolj sodelovalno, hkrati pa na jasen način povemo, kaj lahko drugi z našimi deli počno. Osnovna ideja avtorskih pravic s primeri je olistana v spodnjem pdf dokumentu: Avtorska zaščita in licence V spodnjem...
Obširni seznami spletnih strani, ki nudijo Creative Commons slike, glasbo, video in drugo: https://www.sitepoint.com/creative-commons-sources/ https://99designs.com/blog/resources/public-domain-image-resources/ Slike: 1 Million Free Pictures 4 Free Photos Albumarium Animal Photos Avopix BucketListly Photos Car Pictures CC Clker CompFight...
The spirit of “giving” is at the heart of Creative Commons… People who license their work using CC give their creativity to the community. Those who leverage that content give respect to its creator....