Pixabay ni več v celoti CC0

V članku iz leta 2016 je Pixabay objavil, da podpira CC0. 27. 3. 2020 pa je Pixabay objavil novico, da ponuja svoje gradivo pod standardno Pixabay licenco, ki ni čisto enaka CC0.

Dober razmislek je objavljen v prispevku Pixabay joins the Unsplash Image Licensing Earthquake avtorja Alex Preukschat.

Pri tem je izredno pomembno upoštevati sledeče:

What is allowed?

All content on Pixabay can be used for free for commercial and noncommercial use across print and digital, except in the cases mentioned in “What is not allowed”.
Attribution is not required. Giving credit to the contributor or Pixabay is not necessary but is always appreciated by our community.
You can make modifications to content from Pixabay.

What is not allowed?

This section only applies to image users and not to the appropriate image authors.

Don’t redistribute or sell someone else’s Pixabay images or videos on other stock or wallpaper platforms.
Don’t sell unaltered copies of an image. e.g. sell an exact copy of a stock photo as a poster, print or on a physical product.
Don’t portray identifiable people in a bad light or in a way that is offensive.
Don’t use images with identifiable brands to create a misleading association with a product or service.

(Skupno 22 obiskov, današnjih obiskov 1)

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